Thursday, August 27, 2020
Are Humans Naturally Bad Or Good Philosophy Essay
Are Humans Naturally Bad Or Good Philosophy Essay I accept that people are normally terrible on the grounds that our base attitude is one of shrewdness. A huge number of years prior, individuals battled superfluous wars, tormented detainees, assaulted, killed, and looted. As anyone might expect, the entirety of that despite everything happens in todays society. The world we live in is a basically awful one. Radical vigilantes bomb urban communities, open fire in jam-packed places, and impel lamentable mobs each day. From taking a gander at our general surroundings and seeing our degeneration, it is over the top to accept that we are normally acceptable. In spite of the fact that the developmental procedure has ingrained a small amount of respectfulness and humankind in us, we are still normally malicious creatures. Thomas Hobbes perceives the abhorrent idea of people and portrays it in Leviathan. He expresses that laws were conceived for the sole motivation behind holding our insidious nature in line. Without them, our base senses would reemerge and disorder would rule. That is the reason Hobbes was supportive of dictator governments; they were important to monitor us. Fundamentally, they are expected to shield us from ourselves. Hobbes additionally expresses that our actual natures emerge in the midst of struggle. For instance, in war-torn nations, regular people murder and take structure each other so as to endure. Self-safeguarding is one of the most normal of human impulses and we will effectively endure. Hobbes likewise poses a fascinating inquiry to the individuals who accept that human are acceptable. He inquires as to whether people are so kind in nature, at that point for what reason do we lock our entryways around evening time and gatekeeper our assets? Thusly, we are unknowingly perc eiving the abhorrent idea of people. Hsun Tzu additionally kept up that keeps an eye on nature is characteristically detestable. He accepted that people are brought into the world malevolence, however it is an instructors duty to teach them and reign in those malevolent senses and annihilate them. Despite the fact that he has admirable statements, it is as yet ridiculous to imagine that keeps an eye on normally insidious impulses can be checked so without any problem. Those smothered impulses that have been put away in the chronicles of the human mind will reemerge in the end. It is likewise ridiculous to feel that one can make man great just by methods for training. In the event that anything, training prompts insidious in light of the fact that it has the ability to degenerate. The individuals who contradict Hobbes and state that people are normally acceptable are, in all honesty, visionaries. The Chinese savant Mencius states that people are normally acceptable and that ones conditions impact their tendency. The possibility of ones conditions impacting their inclination is strange. One might be deplorable enough to be naturally introduced to not exactly good conditions, however it is dependent upon that individual to defeat them. Indeed, one can become disenchanted and hard by their incapacitating circumstance, however to state that their conditions impact their tendency is to give a support for terrible conduct. Credited to Plato, the possibility that affection can make one great has become another hopeful assessment for some. Plato expressed that affection is one of, if not the most, normal feelings that people have, consequently we are normally acceptable in light of the fact that adoration itself is acceptable. While love is a very satisfying feeling that can prompt change inside an individual, that improve isn't generally. Love has prompted wars, murders, and the devastation of realms, from the beginning of time. For instance, Helen of Troy and the famous war battled about her. Her affection for an outside sovereign prompted the passings of thousands of troopers and regular people and the total devastation of a realm. Another model is Henry VIII and his affection for Anne Boleyn. He separated from his sovereign, broke with the Catholic Church, and destroyed his nation so as to wed his courtesan. Maybe the most widely recognized instances of how love can change an individual are aggressiv e behavior at home cases. In less complex terms, love frequently prompts foolishness, unreasonableness, weakness of judgment, and, now and again, terrible conduct in a person. In twentieth century feelings, the possibility of Nature versus Support was accepted by a few. Nature implying that we are brought into the world with whatever conduct we display, and sustain implying that our way of life can shape us into what we are. The researcher Edward O. Wilson expressed that on the off chance that the procedure of regular choice has decided our organic capacities, at that point normal choice more likely than not decided the activities of our cerebrums. Essentially, he accepted that people are brought into the world with whatever nature they have, in this way approving my contention that we are brought into the world wickedness. At the furthest edge of the philosophical range, the anthropologist Ruth Benedict composed that ones culture and its normal practice can shape that person into a positive or negative being. By and by, the idea of ones environmental factors affecting their inclination is presented. Benedict essentially gives a similar support for terrible conduct that Mencius gave a huge number of years sooner. All in all, people are characteristically detestable in nature since it is our base attitude. Unfortunately, it is a piece of us that is unchangeable and, attempt as one may, it can't be suppressed by training or guidance, nor would it be able to be affected by our way of life or environmental factors. We are brought into the world the manner in which we are, and we should acknowledge it.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Free Essays on “Sports Drinks Refresh Rivalry For Coke, Pepsiâ€Â
This article investigates Coke’s Powerade versus Pepsi’s Gatorade and how Coke anticipates restoring their battling item. All through this article it is clear that Coke is utilizing inspiration and initiative while figuring out how to change its dark horse item. The organization trusts that by utilizing these techniques they will acquire the piece of the overall industry in the game beverage industry with the opponent of Powerade. In the article Rohan Oza, a senior brand administrator who is accountable for the Powerade crusade, asserts the organization is, â€Å"evolving the games drink category†. Coke is utilizing a proactive procedure of progress, since they are setting another game-plan for their games drink instead of revising the present one. Starting the previous summer, Mr. Oza shaped a quality hover to grow new procedures for the item. He expressed that the gathering â€Å"started with a clear sheet†. The group was made of inspired people who had an authoritative objective of attempting to make progress above Pepsi’s Gatorade in the business. The group started to â€Å"live and feel the brand,†says the Mr. Oza. They met with football players, vitality specialists, therapists, and even conversed with a MTV maker to settle on choices about how the item ought to advance. The value hypothesis will ideally demonstrate that the information, instruction and experience of the group will permit their new technique to be effective. The crusade that ordinarily would take a group two years to create took them short of what one. This was to some extent because of numerous choices that were made on intuition, for example, the items new logo. While Coke is executing numerous better approaches to get their item to the customer, Pepsi despite everything stays to be the pioneer in the business. Pepsi claims, â€Å"We’re going to watch Powerade intently and perceive how they do.†However they don’t feel that it will influence what they do. Pepsi accept they, â€Å"know and comprehend the competitor better than anybody on the planet.†This is what they... Free Essays on â€Å"Sports Drinks Refresh Rivalry For Coke, Pepsi†Free Essays on â€Å"Sports Drinks Refresh Rivalry For Coke, Pepsi†This article investigates Coke’s Powerade versus Pepsi’s Gatorade and how Coke anticipates resuscitating their battling item. All through this article it is clear that Coke is utilizing inspiration and authority while figuring out how to change its dark horse item. The organization trusts that by utilizing these strategies they will acquire the piece of the overall industry in the game beverage industry with the adversary of Powerade. In the article Rohan Oza, a senior brand director who is accountable for the Powerade battle, guarantees the organization is, â€Å"evolving the games drink category†. Coke is utilizing a proactive procedure of progress, since they are setting another strategy for their games drink instead of revising the present one. Starting the previous summer, Mr. Oza shaped a quality hover to grow new procedures for the item. He expressed that the gathering â€Å"started with a clear sheet†. The group was made of inspired people who had an authoritative objective of attempting to make progress above Pepsi’s Gatorade in the business. The group started to â€Å"live and feel the brand,†says the Mr. Oza. They met with football players, vitality specialists, analysts, and even conversed with a MTV maker to settle on choices about how the item ought to develop. The value hypothesis will ideally demonstrate that the information, instruction and experience of the group will permit their new methodology to be effective. The battle that ordinarily would take a group two years to create took them short of what one. This was to a limited extent because of numerous choices that were made on sense, for example, the items new logo. While Coke is executing numerous better approaches to get their item to the purchaser, Pepsi despite everything stays to be the pioneer in the business. Pepsi claims, â€Å"We’re going to watch Powerade intently and perceive how they do.†However they don’t feel that it will influence what they do. Pepsi accept they, â€Å"know and comprehend the competitor better than anybody on the planet.†This is what they...
Friday, August 21, 2020
4 Simple Tips To Make Your Blog A RockStar
4 Simple Tips To Make Your Blog A RockStar Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!4 Simple Tips To Make Your Blog A RockStarUpdated On 29/11/2017Author : Karan LabraTopic : BloggingShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogBlogging is something which seems to be pretty amusing and full of fun in the beginning, but as we go ahead we find the ugly truth.It s easy but its pretty complicated and you might or will get frustrated that despite your efforts youre not getting the desired traffic or whatever you think you deserve. Earlier we saw 5 Simple Ways To Make Your Blog Addictive.I too faced the same problem and that feeling occasionally comes back to me, but here are some things that I did to defeat that fear or anxiety of failure. And here is what you can do to make sure that your blog rocks :Make sure you get into the right niche!This is an important point. Think twice(if not more) before you step into that niche. If you don t choose the right topics, you might find it really difficult to find something to write about and interact with other bloggers in your niche.If you cant find the right niche, why not start with a personal blog till you find the one which suits you!Blogging for just money ? Abort!Many bloggers admire the humongous earnings of famous bloggers but they dont realize the amount of effort that went in to build up that blog.Moreover, people assume that they will be making money from the first day of their blog and hence stuff their blogs with affiliate links and advertisements.READ6 Simple Things Bloggers Shouldn't AvoidAvoid having any kind of advertisements until you gain the minimum amount or the threshold traffic that can really convert into profit.Till then just concentrate on building up quality content for your blog and money will automatically flow in.Decide your look!Well, I too faced the same problem as I never got satisfied with the design of my blog and I had to pay for it! Fi nalize the design of your blog before you start branding it.Frequent changes are not good for SEO as well as it might confuse your readers.Dont get too personalPeople are looking for information and they care the least about what you had in dinner last night. If you like to get personal in your blog posts, you should consider starting a personal blog.Getting too personal is different from sharing your experience and the conclusions that you deduced from your mistakes. Sharing what might be helpful to your readers is great but telling them about your pet in a blog post about Search Engine Optimization is a bit awkward.Well I hope that these tips helped you improve your blog and fix any issues that you might have in making your blog a rockstar! If you find this post useful just consider sharing it with other via Facebook, twitter or Digg. To get such updates regularly please subscribe to our feed via Email .
Monday, May 25, 2020
Sex, Gender and Sexual Orientation are Determined Genetically
Sex, Gender and Sexual Orientation are Determined Genetically Without having any value judgments on sexual deviancy- the word itself many seem to imply disapproval. Whether it be transvestism, voyeurism, exhibitionism, or sadomasochism, sexual deviancy is by many considered unnatural and inhuman. However these two words unnatural and inhuman is exactly what homosexuality is not. The truth is, sexual deviancy is as much a function of biology and as much a product of nature - as the orthodox sexuality which society accepts as natural. Of course some adult sexual orientation is caused by early social conditioning, but through research and hard evidence, scientists have found that sex, gender and sexual orientation are all†¦show more content†¦She describes gender and sexual orientation (to what gender one is attracted to) as a choice one makes. This is, however, is contradictory to her own case. She felt that she was a woman (gender wise), trapped in the body of a man (physically). She never said that she made a choice over what sex s he was attracted to, or what gender she felt she was. She stated that she was just born a boy, with the gender of a woman. Through this example, one would have to assume that homosexuality is the product of biology, not psychology. Science has proven that, much like Bornstein, sex, gender and sexual orientation are separate and interchangeable, but genetically based. The East German scientist, Dr. Gunter Dorner, has devoted his lifes work to the theory that exposure to certain hormones before birth determines sexual inclination. He claims that potential future homosexual behavior can be detected through amniocentesis, the test of the uterine fluid which can reveal Downs syndrome in the unborn child. Dorner further claims that, with prenatal injections, homosexuality can be prevented. The male hormone masculinises the mind, where in the absence of testosterone the brain develops along a naturally female pattern. (Dorner, 365) Dorner finds that the brain is not masculinises all in one go. Dorner suggests that in men and women it is the presence or absence of male hormones that build the structure of the brain bit by bit into a male or female pattern of sexualShow MoreRelatedDoes Homosexuality Change the Brain or the Brain Results in Homosexuality?1039 Words  | 5 Pagesproduct of biology because according to research, the hormones of the females are stronger. Dr. Hamer states that sexual orientation, male homosexuality is genetically influenced. This is passed down through their mothers to the hormone of their offspring. Sexual identity is wired into the genes, which discounts the concept that homosexuality and transgender sexuality are a choice. Since sexual differentiation occurs within the womb, as a result of hormonal influences, it has been hypothesized that homosexualityRead MoreBiological Factors That Affect Sexual Behavior967 Words  | 4 PagesSex, a topic that takes up so much of our thoughts and behaviors, is one of the most important drives du ring our lives as humans. While animals partake in sex for the sake of reproduction, human beings engage in sexual activities for more complex reasons than simply procreation. Sexuality, then, is the way that we experience and express ourselves as human beings. The development of a person’s sexuality is influenced by a number of factors including a person’s biological sex, their sexual orientationRead MoreHomosexuality Is Not A Choice For Adults963 Words  | 4 Pagesin the United States. Homosexuality is a biological trait, and there is experimental evidence to prove the biological influence of homosexuality. The trait of homosexuality can be simply defined as the sexual attraction between the individuals of the same sex. A homosexual person in the female gender is called ‘lesbian’ while the term ‘gay’ represents a homosexual male (Richardson). As the years have progressed, the number of openly homosexual people has dramatically increased as these trait have graduallyRead MoreHomosexuality: Inborn Trait or a Choice991 Words  | 4 Pagesthings that aren’t true. Many fall victim to this reality, resulting in feelings of animosity and prejudice with little or nothing to back it up. This hatred often has to do with race, religion, gender, politics or sexual orientation. As you know one can’t just go and change his or her skin tone or gender. It isn’t as if one was asked to be white, black, Hispanic, Native American exc., nor female or male. This is just the way the person was born. Seeing it from this point of view I wonder why a personRead M oreAlfred Kinsey s Research On Sexual Orientation901 Words  | 4 PagesAlfred Kinsey’s extensive research into sexual orientation has brought about some of the greatest and perhaps most controversial findings of the 20th century. His findings range from sexual activities to sexual orientation, including â€Å"facts†that were considered shocking at the time of their publication, such as 10% of men are gay and almost half men have had adulterous affairs, etc. Not only have they changed the ways people view sex and sexual ethnics in the U.S., but these findings are also stillRead MoreLgbt Orientation And The Lgbt Community1597 Words  | 7 Pages The numerous controversial issues surrounding gays and lesbians, including same-sex marriage, adoptions, and school gay-straight alliances, have brought sexual orientation and homophobia to the front of American social conscience. Although gays and lesbians seem to be more visible in the United States and media images of gays and lesbians have become familiar, violence against gays and lesbians continues to rise and anti-gay measures are common in the political arena. However the question that AmericansRead MoreWhat Is Identity? Who Defines Such, And How Is It Constructed?1570 Words  | 7 Pagesthe definition. Identity has a double sense, it can refer to one’s self, a personal identity; but at the same time can also be socially constructed. People have unique identities which may be partly determined by family influences and personal development, but also biological influences such as a sex, ethnicity, age and disability. As far back as 1690 John Locke wrote an essay concerning human understanding, he considered that personal identity was founded on consciousness, going on to state thatRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be A Hot Button Issue?944 Words  | 4 Pageshot-button issue in America for some time now in which both sides have strong and passionate support. To say the least hysteria and outrage has ensued leading to discrimination against a whole community of people. Questions like â€Å"Is homosexuality genetically caused or is it by choice?†have been one of the main debating points. Everyone has an opinion on this question but few valid scientific answers have been provided but this could start to change rather quickly. According to new scientific studiesRead MoreGender Roles And Gender Development1598 Wor ds  | 7 PagesGender and sex are not synonymous, although they are often used interchangeably. Sex is a biological term and defined as â€Å"the categories of male or female of the sum total of biological attributes on which this distinction is based within a species†(Colman, 2009). Gender, however is a social construct and consists of gender role, gender identity and sexual orientation / preference. Gender identity is â€Å"a sense of awareness, usually beginning in infancy, continuing through childhood, and reachingRead MoreSexual Orientation And Identity Of An Individual2117 Words  | 9 Pagesthe gender, physical ability, race and sexual orientation. This dispels out the confusion that exist between sexual orientation and identity of an individual. Sexual orientation is a branch of a person’s identity. Sexual orientation is a branch of personal identity that has existed for long though it is likely to be ignored by many people. From the past, in the people’s mindset, it was acceptable, normal and proper for men and women to enter into a sexual relationship. Traditionally, sexual attraction
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Descartes And John Locke s Views On Consciousness, Self,...
Seventeenth century philosophers Renà © Descartes and John Locke endeavored to question the views on consciousness, self, and personal identity. They examined belief in God, the certainty of knowledge, and the role of mind and body. The goal of this paper is to deliberate John Locke’s and Renà © Descartes views on â€Å"self†and personal identity and how each come to examine how knowledge is captured. Renà © Descartes and John Locke both present arguments that are rational in the discussion of consciousness, self, and personal identity, but each lack conclusive evidence that would provide the proof necessary to believe one or the other philosophies are true. Renà © Descartes examined our very existence and our perceptions of truth. He debated the†¦show more content†¦Locke rationalizes, an older person may not remember their â€Å"self†as young child, but they have memories from when they were middle-aged. When they were middle-aged, they remember their â€Å"self†as a young child, therefore their consciousness can be linked. One way in which Descartes and Locke differ is their opinions of how knowledge is attained. Descartes ascertained that you could only gain knowledge through reasoning and not reasoning and senses together. He concluded that senses can deceive us and should not be trusted. Descartes states, â€Å"I will suppose, then, that everything I see is fictitious. I will believe that my memory tells me nothing but lies. I have no senses. Body, shape, extension, movement and place are illusions. So what remains true? Perhaps just the one fact that nothing is certain!†(Descartes). Descartes identified the mind as a thinking substance and bodies as material substances. Descartes is a rationalist, as he believed knowledge could be gained without experiencing it in the real world. Conversely, Locke felt that individuals gained knowledge through real world experiences. He believed in two kinds of complex ideas: ideas of substances and ideas of modes. In TheShow MoreRelatedPropelling Rational Thought Over Compelling Empiricism1459 Words  | 6 PagesIn this paper I intend to examine the rationalist philosophy of Rene Descartes and fundamental empiricism of John Locke’s philosophical arguments, in particular their ideas relating to the science of man, his identity and attempt to explain distinctions between the two. As I lay the framework of my argument it is important to understand the precepts that serve as the underpinning for the views considered by Descartes and Locke respectively. Rationalism and empiricism are two modes of thought thatRead MorePersonal Statement : Personal Identity1267 Words  | 6 PagesPersonal Identity Many ancient philosophers were fascinated with the idea of the personal identity. This is often referred to as the â€Å"self†. The â€Å"self†is considered to be something that is not physical, therefore the search to discover the â€Å"self†is not concrete. With the â€Å"self†being something that has no physical element, many philosophers have different opinions on what the â€Å"self†is and how it functions. â€Å"Someone s personal identity in this sense consists of those features she takes to â€Å"defineRead MoreRene Descartes s Philosophy And The Science Of Philosophy1114 Words  | 5 PagesRene Descartes was a rationalist who is considered the father of modern philosophy, primarily because his ideas departed from current understanding in the early 17th century, which was more feeling based ( He was born on March 31, 1956, in France and was a very educated man. His mother sent him to a boarding school which was consi dered college at an early age of 8. Additionally, by the age of 22 he had obtained his degree as a lawyer. To further this, he believed that all truths wereRead MoreThe Philosophical Beliefs Of Substance Dualism And Modern Materialism953 Words  | 4 PagesSubstance Dualism and modern Materialism The tradition of Substance Dualism was formulated by Rene Descartes to define the differing modes of the soul that function in the human mind. The dualistic aspect of this philosophy is based on the presence of a higher power, such as God, that provides the essence of the mind through the soul, yet the human body is separated from this process. Therefore, Descartes sought to divide the mind from the material body as a method of defining the limitations of theRead MoreEssay on Consciousness As Determined Th1030 Words  | 5 Pages Consciousness is understood in a variety of ways. In one belief, a person is conscious when awake, but unconscious when sleeping or comatose. Yet people also do things requiring perception and thought unconsciously even when they are awake. A person can be conscious of their physical surroundings, pain and even a wish or fantasy. In short a creature is conscious if it is aware of itself and that it is a physical and emotional being. Consciousness is a psychological condition defined by the EnglishRead MoreThe wonders of self awareness1468 Words  | 6 Pages Self-awareness is the capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize oneself as an individual separate from the environment and other individuals. In philosophy An early philosophical discussion of self-awareness is that of John Locke. Locke was apparently influenced by Renà © Descartes statement normally translated I think, therefore I am . In chapter XXVII On Identity and Diversity of Locke s An Essay Concerning Human Understanding he conceptualized consciousness as the repeatedRead MorePersonal Identity - Memory Theory vs Body Theory vs Soul Theory1634 Words  | 7 PagesPersonal Identity REFERENCE: Perry, Dialogue on Personal Identity and Immortality. . Thesis . Identity refers to â€Å"a relation that everything has to itself and to no other thing†, and our perception of personal identity is the knowledge that we are ourselves, and who we have been – basically, that I am the same person I was last week, last year, etc. Leibniz’s Law states that if one thing (A) is identical to another (B) at one given point in time, they share the exact same properties, makingRead MorePostmodernism and Identity in Haruki Murakami’s Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World2797 Words  | 12 Pagesand Identity in Haruki Murakami’s Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World Since the Age of Enlightenment, the ideas of identity and consciousness have been explored by philosophers, psychologists, writers, and more. Since then, the definition of what identity is has changed and evolved, leaving the true, overarching definition unknown. In his novel Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, Japanese author Haruki Murakami explores the ideas of identity and the consciousness throughRead MoreDevelopmental Psychology : An Introduction2958 Words  | 12 Pagesovertime (Lerner, Lewin-Bizan, Warren, 2011). Most uniquely, it is a field that looks at change over time and what instigated those changes (Miller, 2011). The discipline itself has two main goals: to describe the behavior at each point in the person s development, and to identify the causal factors involved in producing changes in behavior (Vasta et al. 1998). Developmental psychology as a field has informed many other subfields of psychology as well including educational psychology, child psychopathologyRead MoreBranches of Philosophy8343 Words  | 34 Pagesknowledge in order to pursue it; the explication of the concept of justice, and its relation to various political systems[8]. In this period the crucial features of the philosophical method were established: a critical approach to received or established views, and the appeal to reason and argumentation. [pic] [pic] St. Thomas Aquinas [edit] Medieval philosophy (c. A.D. 500–c. 1350) Main article: Medieval philosophy Medieval philosophy is the philosophy of Western Europe and the Middle East during what
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Orlando Night Club Shooting - 2003 Words
Pearl Harbor. September 11. The Vietnam War. The Orlando night club shooting. All of these events relate to the dehumanization of Asian immigrants. America is considered to be a â€Å"melting pot†of cultures; however, there is no true harmonization and acceptance. Current media continues to dehumanize and depict many Asian Americans as monster and question their culture. Asian Americans are considered the â€Å"model minority†as they try to overcome the hared and prove their worth. However, Asian Americans are still not accepted. Within Jasmine by Bharati Mukherjee and No-No Boy by John Okada, they exhibited Asian American can put whatever effort to assimilate into the American culture but it will never be enough for their acceptance if only one†¦show more content†¦However, she later changes her identity again once in America. Once she encounters a near-rape experience from a mutilated man which results in her kills him. Jasmine is now striped of her old ide ntity by cutting her own tongue. The removal of her tongue coincide the silencing of Jasmine’s voice and completely removal of Jyoti’s identity. Killing a man is not something that suits Jyoti’s character as she is supposed to be submit to men. According to her culture, Jyoti needs to be pure in order to gain a man; once with a man then her life is fulfilled. However, once she killed the man, Jyoti can no longer submit and is also killed. Jasmine’s identity is essentially silenced, signified by the tongue cutting. Jasmine’s English abilities, her tone, and her passion is what brought her to Prakash. Yet once she experienced the dismay, she views herself no longer worthy of being Prakash’s, so Jasmine is silenced by cutting her own tongue. This can be view as the overall silencing of her own culture as after this event she does not speak of her culture until meeting Taylor. She tries to become a part of American by completely abandoning her o wn culture and tries to fill it later on with the American culture. This attempt is common within 1st generation of Asian Americans who try to immediately be a part of the American culture. Later on, Bud assumed ownership over her, he decided to rename her to Jane as in â€Å"Jane RussellShow MoreRelatedMass Shooting At A Gay Night Club Essay1522 Words  | 7 PagesThe 2016 Orlando shooting at a gay night club is the largest mass shooting to take place in the United States of America (Duff, 2016, p. 193). It gained international media coverage and took social media by storm. Many theories can be applied to the shooting, specifically the strain theory and routine activity theory (Levin Madfis, 2009, p. 1227). The Shooting In the early morning of June 12, 2016, a single shooter killed 49 people and wounded an additional 53 people at a Pulse, a popular gayRead MoreMass Shootings : An Act Of Terrorism1433 Words  | 6 PagesMass Shootings (Overview) Mass shootings have become a disturbing trend that is on the rise. They can happen in places like Sports stadiums, Clubs, Schools, shopping centers, movie theaters, and even concerts. A mass shooting can be committed by either an individual or an organization. In recent times terrorist groups have used the tactic of mass shootings to fulfill their political aim. A person who commits a mass shooting could be a terrorist or a random stranger. Ironically, some people can mistakeRead MoreMedia Influences On Our Perception, Knowledge, Attitudes, And Beliefs1650 Words  | 7 Pagesperception, knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about certain things that take place. June 12, 2016 was a tragic night at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old security guard, initiated a terrorist attack, killing 49 people and wounding 53. He used an AR-15-style rifle and a handgun to carry out the attack. The hate crime took place just shortly before the club was supposed to cl ose. When people started hearing bullets being shot, they started to hide under the bar, onRead MoreThe Game Of The Pulse Orlando Shooting994 Words  | 4 PagesThe Pulse Orlando shooting was one of the deadliest shootings to happen this year. There were so many lives lost because of one man’s hatred towards a certain group of people. The shooter himself dedicated countless hours to plan his attack on the club. Hate crimes happen all the time in the United States, too many. Many people lost their lives, the shooter was well informed on how to execute his plan, and this shooting was yet another example of a hate crime. In total, 49 people lost theirRead MoreThe Death Of Omar Mateen Essay1596 Words  | 7 PagesOn June 12, 2016 a 29 year old man named Omar Mateen walked into Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida and killed 50 people and wounded 53 people. Omar Mateen was a security guard wanting a future in law enforcement. Pulse is a popular gay nightclub and Mateen entered the nightclub around 2 a.m. with both a handgun and a rifle. He began shooting anyone and everyone in the dark and loud nightclub while people ran to hide and protect themselves from getting shot. Some people used bodies around them toRead MoreCritical Opinion On Critical Thinking1585 Words  | 7 Pagesunder the recent mass shooting tragedy that took place in Orlando. On Sunday, June 12, 2016, the horrific tragedy killed forty-nine people and wounded another fifty-three. This tragedy, known throughout the world as â€Å"The Orlando Massacre,†deeply affected me on a personal level because Orlando is my home. In Orlando, the party scene happens on Saturday nights. Girls and guys get dressed up to hit the clubs in the downtown area. Everything seemed normal late that Saturday night and into the earlyRead MoreArgumentative Essay : Gun Control Essay1000 Words  | 4 Pagesthe purchase, sale, and use of guns in America. According to Alexander Lee, the political and social debate over the question of how much gun control is appropriate and it has been regularly discussed within the last decade. Shootings such as Sandy Hook, and Tucson shootings have raised the government’s awareness on guns and possible restrictions and regulations. Gun talks are discussed with the question, â€Å"Will controlling guns cut back on violent crime rates?†Although many guns are open to beRead MoreAnalysis Of Herbert Blumer s Social Movement1738 Words  | 7 Pagesreinforcements add a positive stimulus or remove a negative stimulus to reinforce behavior. At the New York City Pride March in Ju ne of 2016, many marchers chose to don a bright orange shirt with the phrase, â€Å"one pulse†in honor of the shooting at the gay club â€Å"pulse†in Orlando (Etman, 2016). Onlookers of the march would view this bright orange at a variable-interval reinforcement schedule because after variable amount of time they may see a variable number of matching orange shirts. Every time an onlookerRead MoreMass Shootings In America Essay1327 Words  | 6 PagesOctober 1, 2017 America was, yet again, devastated when Las Vegas suffered the United States worst mass shooting. One man killed over 50 people and injured 527. After he was finished firing from the 39th floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort, he committed suicide. His name was Stephan Paddock (Yan and Park). When most people think of a mass shooting, they think of a terroristic act or someone shooting at a large group of innocent citizens, like Columbine High School or Sandy Hook Elementary School. In actualityRead MoreCorr uption Or Truth : Westboro Baptist Church1115 Words  | 5 Pages(Wikipedia). The westboro Baptist Church’s first public service was held on November 27, 1955(Wikipedia). This was the first time the church publicly condemned the world. Most recently the Westboro Baptist Church have agreed with the shooting at the Pulse Night Club in Orlando, Florida stating that God sent Omar Mateen to kill the gays because â€Å"God hates fags.†While other churches preach about loving one another as god has loved them, the westboro baptist church states that people should love one another
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Psychophysics Essay Example For Students
Psychophysics Essay Sam Vaknins Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web SitesIt is impossible to rigorously prove or substantiate the existence of a Soul, a psyche. Numerous explanations have been hitherto offered:That what we, humans, call a soul is the way that we experience the workings of our brain (introspection experienced). This oftenleads to infinite regressions. That the soul is an epiphenomenon, the software result of a hardware complexity (much the same way as temperature, volume andpressure are the epiphenomena of a large number of gas molecules). That the soul does exist and that it is distinct from the body in substance (or lack of it), in form (or lack of it) and in the set of lawsthat it obeys (spiritual rather than physical). The supporters of this camp say that correlation is not causation. In other words, the electrochemical activity in the brain, which corresponds to mental phenomena does not mean that it IS the mental phenomena. Mental phenomena do have brain (hardware) correlates but these correlates need not be confused with the mental phenomena themselves. Still, very few will dispute the strong connection between body and soul. The psychic activity was attributed to the heart, the liver, even to some glands. Nowadays it is attributed to the brain, apparently with better reasons. Since the body is a physical object, subject to physical laws, it follows that at least the connection between the two (body and soul) must obey the laws of physics. Another question is what is the currency used by the two in their communication. Physical forces are mediated by subatomic particles. What serves to mediate between body and soul ?Language could be the medium and the mediating currency. It has both an internal, psychic representation and an objective, external one. It serves as a bridge between our inner emotions and cognition and the outside, physical world. It originates almost non-physically (a mere thought) and has profound physical impacts and effects. It has quantum aspects combined with classical determinism. We propose that what we call the Subconscious and the Pre-Conscious (Threshold of Consciousness) are but Fields of Potentials organized in Lattices. Potentials of what?To represent realities (internal and external alike), we use language. Language seems to be the only thing able to consistently link our internal world with our physical surroundings. Thus, the potentials ought to be Lingual Energy Potentials. When one of the potentials is charged with Lingual Energy in Freuds language, when cathexis happens it becomes a Structure. The atoms of the Structures, their most basic units, are the Clusters. The Cluster constitutes a full cross cut of the soul : instinct, affect and cognition. It is hologramic and fractalic in that it reflects though only a part the whole. It is charged with the lingual energy which created it in the first place. The cluster is highly unstable (excited) and its lingual energy must be discharged. This lingual energy can be released only in certain levels of energy (excitation) according to an Exclusion Principle. This is reminiscent of the rules governing the world of subatomic particles. The release of the lingual energy is Freuds anti-cathexis. The lingual energy being what it is it can be discharged only as language elements (its excitation levels are lingual). Put differently: the cluster will lose energy to the environment (=to the soul) in the shape of language (images, words, associations). The defence mechanisms, known to us from classical psychology projection, identification, projective identification, regression, denial, conversion reaction, displacement, rationalization, intellectualization, sublimation, repression, inhibition, anxiety and a host of other defensive reactions are but sentences in the language (valid strings or theorems). Projection, for instance, is the sentence : It is not my trait it is his trait. Some mechanisms the notable examples are rationalization and intellectualization make conscious use of language. Whereas the levels of excitation (lingual discharge) are discrete (highly specific) the discharged energy is limited to certain, specific, language representation. These are the Allowed Representations. They are the only ones allowed (or enabled, to borrow from computers) in the Allowed Levels of Excitation. This is the reason for the principles of Disguise (camouflage) and Substitution. An excitation is achieved only through specific (visual or verbal) representations (the Allowed Representations). If two potentials occupy the same Representational levels they will be interchangeable. Thus, one lingual potential will be able to assume the role of another. Each cluster can be described by its own function (Eigenfunktion). This explains the variance between humans and among the intra-psychic representations. When a cluster is realized when its energy has been discharged in the form of an allowed lingual representation it reverts to the state of a lingual potential. This is a constant, bi-directional flow : from potential to cluster and from cluster to potential. The initial source of energy, as we said, is what we absorbed together with lingual representations from the outside. Lingual representations ARE energy and they are thus assimilated by us. An exogenic event, for this purpose, is also a language element (consisting of a visual, three dimensional representation). So, everything around us infuses us with energy which is converted into allowed representations. On the other hand, language potentials are charged with energy, become clusters, discharge the lingual energy through an allowed representation of the specific lingual energy that they possess and become potentials once more. When a potential materializes that is, when it becomes a cluster after being charged with lingual energy a Potential Singularity remains where once the materialized potential existed. The person experiences this singularity as an anxiety and does his utmost to convert the cluster back into a potential. This effort is the Repression Defence Mechanism. So, the energy used during repression is also the lingual kind. When the energy with which the cluster is charged is discharged, at the allowed levels of representation (that is to say, through the allowed lingual representations), the cluster is turned back into a potential. This, in effect, is repression. The anxiety signifies a state of schism in the field of potentials. It, therefore, deserves the name :Signal Anxiety, used in the professional literature. The signal anxiety designates not only a hole in the field of potentials but also a Conflict. How come ?The materialization of the potential (its transformation into a cluster) creates a change in the Language Field. Such a change can lead to a conflict with a social norm, for instance, or with a norm, a personal value, or with an inhibition all being lingual representations. Such a conflict ostensibly violates the conditions of the field and leads to anxiety and to repression. Freuds Id, Ego and Superego are now easily recognizable as various states of the language field. The Id represents all the potentials in the field. It is the principle by which the potentials are charged with lingual energy. Id is, in other words, a field equation which dictates the potential in every point of the field. The Ego is the interaction between the language field and the world. This interaction sometimes assumes the form of a conscious dialogue. The Superego is the interaction between the language field and the representations of the world in the language field (that is to say, the consequences of repression). All three are, therefore, Activation Modes. Each act of repression leaves traces in its wake. The field is altered by the act of repression and, this way, preserves the information related to it. The sum of all repressions creates a representation of the world (both internal and external) in the field. This is the Superego, the functional pattern of the field of potentials (the subconscious or the regulatory system). The field plays constant host to materializing potentials (=the intrusion of content upon consciousness), excitation of allowed lingual (=representational) levels (=allowed representations) and realization of structures (their reversal to a state of being potentials). It is reality which determines which excitation and representation levels are the allowed ones. The complex of these processes is Consciousness and all these functions together constitute the Ego or the Administrative System. The Ego is the functional mode of consciousness. The activities in reality are dictated both by the field of potentials and by the materializing structures but the materialization of a structure is not a prerequisite for action. The Id is a wave function, the equation describing the state of the field. It details the location of the potentials that can materialize into structures. It also lists the anxiety producing potential singularities into which a structure can be realized and revert to being a potential. An Association is the reconstruction of all the allowed levels of excitation (=the allowed representations of the lingual energy) of a specific structure. Different structures will have common excitation levels at disparate times. Once structures are realized and thus become potentials they go through the excitation level common to them and to other structures. This way they alter the field (stamp it) in an identical manner. In other words : the field will remember similarly those structures which pass through a common excitation level in an identical manner. The next time that the potential materializes and becomes one of these structures all the other twin structures will be charged with an identical lingual energy. They will all be evoked together as a Hypercluster. Another angle: when a structure is realized and comes back to being a potential, the field is stamped. When the same Stamp is shared by a few structures they form a Potential Hypercluster. From then on, whenever one of the potentials, which is a member in the Potential Hypercluster, materializes and becomes a structures it drags with it all the other potentials which also become structures (simultaneously). Potential Hyperclusters materialize into Hyperclusters whereas single Potentials materialize into Clusters. The next phase of complexity is the Network (a few Hyperclusters together). This is what we call the Memory operations. Memorizing is really the stamping of the field with the specific stamps of the structures (actually, with the specific stamps of their levels of excitation). Our memory uses lingual representations. When we read or see something, we absorb it into the Field of Potentials (the Language Field). The absorbed energy amalgamates, out of the Field of Potentials, a structure or a hypercluster. This is the process of Imprinting. The resultant structure is realized in our brain through the allowed levels of excitation (=using the allowed lingual representations), is repressed, stamps the field (=creates a memory) and rejoins the field as a potential. The levels of excitation are like Strings that tie the potentials to each other. All the potentials that participate in a given level of excitation (=of representation) of the language -will become a hypercluster during the phase of materialization. This also is the fields organizational principle:The potentials are aligned along the field lines (=the levels of excitation specific to these potentials). The connection between them is through the lingual energy but it is devoid of any specific formal logic (mechanic or algorithmic). Thus, if potential P1 and potential P2 pass through the same excitation level on their way to becoming structures, they will organize themselves along the same line in the field and will become a hypercluster or a network when materializing. They can, however, relate to each other a-logically (negation or contradiction) and still constitute a part of the same hypercluster. Leadership Essay PaperThe litmus test is: minimum energy with maximum energy (coherence and cohesiveness). Structures whose level of energy (excitation) is less than the new structure, will be detached from the new hyperstructures created in order to accommodate it (Denial) or will be incorporated into other hyperstructures (Forced Matching). A hyperstructure which contains at least one structure which was attached to it in a process of forced matching is a Forced Hyperstructure. The new hyperstructure must be energetically stable while the forced hyperstructure must be energetically unstable. This is why the forced hyperstructure will pop into consciousness (be excited) more often than other hyperstructures, including the new ones. This is the essence of a defence mechanism : an automatic pattern of thinking or acting which is typified by its rigidity, repetitiveness, compulsiveness and behaviour and mental narrowing effects. The constant instability is experienced as tension and anxiety. A lack of internal consistency and limited connections are the results. Myers (1982) Distinguishes between 3 components : emotions (=potentials), cognitions (=structures) and interpretations (hyperstructures), memory (the stamping). Minsky (1980) The memory is a complete conscious state and it is reconstructed as such. In our terminology : the structure is hologramic and fractal-like. Lazarus The cognition (=the structure) leads to an emotions (=decays into a potential). This is a partial description of the process and its second leg only. Zajonc (1980) Emotions (=potentials) precede cognitions (=structures). An emotion is based on an element of energy and the cognition is based on an element of information. This distinction seems superfluous. Information is also energy packed and ordered in a manner which enables the (appropriately trained) human brain to identify it as such. Information, therefore, is the name that we give to a particular mode of delivery of energy. Eisen (1987) Emotions influence the organization of cognitions and allows for further inter-cognitive flexibility by encouraging their interconnectedness. My interpretation is different : emotions (=potentials) which organize themselves in structures are cognitions and the duality is deceiving. This also renders the question of what preceded what all but superfluous. See also: Piaget, Hays (1977), Marcus, Nurius, Loewenthal (1979). Greenberg and Safran The emotions are automatic responses to events. The primordial emotion is a biological (that is to say physical) mechanism. It reacts to events and endows them with meaning and sense. It, therefore, assists in the processing of information. The processing is speedy and based on responses to a limited set of attributes. The emotional reaction is the raw material for the formation of cognitions. As opposed to Loewenthal, I distinguish the processing of data within the field of potentials (=processing of potentials) and the processing of data through structures (=structural processing). Laws of transformation and conservation of energy prevail between the two types of processing. The energy is information or lingual energy. The processing of the potentials is poor and stereotypical and its influence is mainly motoric. The structural processing is rich and spawns additional structures and alterations to the field itself. Horowitz (1988) All states of consciousness act in concert. When transition between these states occurs, all the components change simultaneously. Gestalt The organism tends to organize the stimuli in its awareness in the best possible manner (the euformic or eumorphic principle). The characteristics of the organization are : simplicity, regularity, coordination, continuity, proximity between components, clarity. In short, it adopts the optimal Path of Least Resistance (PLR), or path of minimum energy (PME). Epstein (1983) The processes of integration (assimilation) and differentiation (accommodation) foster harmony. Disharmony is generated by repeating a fixed pattern without any corresponding accommodative or assimilative change. Filter is a situation wherein a structure in PLR/PME materializes every time as the default structure. It, therefore, permanently occupies certain levels of excitation, preventing other structures from materializing through them. This also weakens the stamping process. The Bauer Model of Memory Organization (1981) Our memory is made of units (=representations which are the stampings of structures on the field). When one unit is activated, it activates other units, linked to it by way of association. There are also inhibitory mechanisms which apply to some of these links. A memory unit activates certain units while simultaneously inhibiting others. The stamped portion of the field of potentials which materializes into a structure does so within a hyperstructure and along a string which connects similar or identical stamped areas. All the stamped areas which are connected to a hyperstructure materialize simultaneously and occupy allowed levels of excitation. This way, other structures are prevented from using the same levels of excitation. Indeed, it is a situation of activation and inhibition, or prevention, simultaneously. The Model of Internal Compatibility A coherent experience has an affective dimension (=potential), a dimension of meaning (=structure) and of memory (=stamping). Awareness is created when there is compatibility between these dimensions (=when the structures materialize and de-materialize, are realized, without undergoing changes). The subconscious is a state of incompatibility. This forces the structures to change, it provokes denial, or forced adjustment until compatibility is obtained. Emotions relate to appropriate meanings and memories (=potentials become structures which are, as we said, hologramic and of fractal nature). There are also inter-experiential knots : emotions, meanings and / or memories which interlink. A constant dynamics is at play. Repressions, denials and forced adjustments break structures apart and detach them from each other. This reduces the inner complexity and internal poverty results. The Pathology according to Epstein (1983) When mental content (events) is rejected from consciousness (=a potential which does not materialize). Mental content which cannot be assimilated because it does not fit in. There is no structure appropriate to it and this entails rewiring and the formation of unstable interim structures. The latter are highly excitable and tend to get materialized and realized in constant, default, levels of excitation. This, in turn, blocks these levels of excitation to other structures. These are the mental defence mechanisms. Pre-verbal and a-verbal (=no structure materializes) processing.In this article, (1) and (3) are assumed to be 2 facets of the same thing. Kilstrom (1984) A trauma will tear apart the emotional side of the experience from its verbal-cognitive one (=the potential will never materialize and turn into a structure). Bauer (1981)Learning and memory are situational context dependent. The more the learning is conducted in surroundings which remind the student of the original situation the more effective it proves to be. A context is an exogenic event whose energy evokes hyperstructures/networks along a string. The more the energy of the situation resembles (or is identical to) the energy of the original situation the more effectively will the right string resonate. This would lead to an Optimal Situational Resonance. Eisen It is the similarity of meanings which encourages memorizing. In my terminology : structures belong to the same hyperstructures or networks along a common string in the field of potentials). Bartlett (1932) and Nacer (1967) Memory does not reflect reality. It is its reconstruction in light of the attitude towards it and it changes according to circumstances. The stamping is reconstructed and is transformed into a structure whose energies are influenced by its environment. Kilstrom (1984) Data processing is a process in which stimuli from the outer world are absorbed, go through an interpretative system, are classified, stored and reconstructed in memory. The subconscious is part of the conscious world and it participates in its design through the processing of the incoming stimuli and their analyses. This processing and analysis are mostly unconscious, but they have influence. Data is stored in three foci:The first one is in the Sensuous Storage Centre. This is a subconscious registry and it keeps in touch with higher cognitive processes (=the imprinting of events in the field of potentials). This is where events are analysed to their components and patterns and meaning is bestowed upon them. Primary (short term) Memory is characterized by the focusing of attention, conscious processing (=the materialization of a structure) and repetition of the material stored. Long Term Storage readily available to consciousness. We differentiate three types of memory : not reconstructible (=no stamping was made), reconstructible from one of the storage areas (=is within a structure post stamping) and memory on the level of sensual reception and processing. The latter is left as a potential, does not materialize into a structure and the imprinting is also the stamping. The data processing is partly conscious and partly subconscious. When the structure is realized, a part remains as a potential. Material which was processed in the subconscious cannot be consciously reconstructed in its subconscious form. A potential, after all, is not a structure. The stimuli, having passed through sensual data processing and having been transformed into processed material they constitute a series of assumptions concerning the essence of the received stimulus. Imprinting the field of potentials creates structures using lingual energy. Meichenbaum and Gilmore (1984) They divide the cognitive activity in three components:Events, processes and cognitive structures. An event means activity (=the materialization of potentials into structures). A process is the principle according to which data are organized, stored and reconstructed, or the laws of energetic transition from potential to structure. A cognitive structure is a structure or pattern which receives data and alters both the data and itself (thus influencing the whole field). External data are absorbed by internal structures (=imprinting) and are influenced by cognitive processes. They become cognitive events (=the excitation of a structure, the materialization into one). In all these, there is a subconscious part. Subconscious processes design received data and change them according to pre-determined principles : the data storage mechanisms, the reconstruction of memory, conclusiveness, searching and review of information. Three processes shape the interpretation of information : the principle of availability is the first one. The individual relates to the available information and not necessarily to the relevant one and this is the default of structures. The principle of representation: relating to information only if it matches conscious data. This principle is another rendition of the PLR/PME principle. It does take less energy and it does provoke less resistance to select only conforming data. The last is the principle of affirmation : the search for an affirmation of a theory or a hypothesis concerning reality, bringing about, in this way, the affirmation of the theorys predictions. Bauers (1984) Distinguishes two kinds of knowledge and lack of it : Distinction, Lack of Distinction, Understanding, Lack of Understanding. Perception is the processing of information and consciousness is being aware of perception. The focusing of attention transforms perception (=imprinting and the evocation of a structure) into a conscious experience (=the materialization of a structure). Perception antecedes awareness. The subconscious can be divided to four departments:Sub-threshold perception, Memory/Forgetfulness, Repression and Dissociation. There is no full distinction between them and there are cross-influences. The distinction between repression and dissociation: in repression there is no notice of anxiety producing content. In dissociation, the internal ties between mental or behavioural systems is not noted (and there is no obscuring or erasure of content). Intuition is intellectual sensitivity to information coming from the external or from the internal surroundings though this information was not yet clearly registered. It channels the study of the world and the observations which must lead to deep insights. This, in effect, is awareness of the process of materialization. Attention is focused on the materialization rather on the structure being materialized.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Family values Essay Example
Family values Paper DEFINING FAMILY IN A BROAD SPECTRUM Universally, people recognize family as â€Å"a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity, and co-residence. †From the rudimentary explanation, family has the simplest structure composed of mother, father, brothers, and sisters living harmoniously in a house in a certain community, having definite roles to portray as demanded by their culture, regardless where they maybe defines the layman understanding of it. But beyond personalization and visualization of family itself, several different established groups and organization based their context of family according to what qualities are acceptable for them to be qualified a family. According to Dr. Gordon Neal Diem, the Assistant Professor of Political Science at North Carolina Central University and a former member of the North Carolina Marriage and Family Therapy Certification Board, he cited several social groups who advocate new ideas of family in the society. Selected highlights of his article depicted two uniquely interesting definitions. From Diem’s article he clearly summarized, â€Å"In a Conservative free society, individuals and couples merely exchange the states definitions of family for definitions imposed by other social institutions. †In a conservative society, church does not include couples cohabiting without getting married. Church strictly abides by their rules on pre-marital living of men and women. In a â€Å"free society†, as he quoted, description of a family lies on how people they perceive it for themselves, of what suits their needs and fits their situation. We will write a custom essay sample on Family values specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Family values specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Family values specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Parents who are incapable of caring for their children can delegate their social responsibilities to members of the nuclear family or to close relatives. In a modern American society where divorce is prevalent and is on the rise, the practicality of this modern context is highly invaluable. FAMILY VALUES DEFINED The Encyclopedia of American History describes â€Å"Family Values†â€Å"as a set of beliefs or morals that help provide for family unity and social interaction as well as providing for a societal view for childhood development. These beliefs have encompassed such topics as the roles of marriage, divorce, childbearing, gender roles, and sexual activity and have shaped not only the familys interaction with society, but also legislative policy. †The Encyclopedia of American History base their grounds on moral standards a particular society and culture imposes on families inhabiting in a particular area. Also, the government plays a crucial role in keeping family values as standard and top priority by means of enactment and enforcement of pro-family laws. Laws against physical and verbal abuse on women and children, corruption of minors, and unrestricted, unhealthy media programs have been firmly supported by the government to ensure preservation of moral values in individual family members and to the members of the society at large. REACHING A DECISION Television is ubiquitous and has become a visibly essential possession in almost all American households and the world in general. Taking into account the growing number of reality television programs, American family have been the usual target of media to market morally corrupt TV programs feeding and competing against other same program on rating share. I affirm television promotes further degenerating family values then and now. According to Mary Winn, one of America’s respected television critiques, television has imminent adverse and long term effects to the relationship of American family. Television promotes a â€Å"passive and non-challenging†attitude towards children. Immobile and focused on the TV program, a child learns one way communication rather than the normal interactive conversation in real situation. Since family members are living in one house, they are being robbed with quality time; thus, television wears precious time of â€Å"family rituals†such as intermingling, simple face to face talk, and chance to discuss unsolved personal burdens. She has used the effects of television as manifested on the shift from nostalgic heart-warming family rituals to depressing cold, careless family. Some families use TV as â€Å"defense mechanism†to avoid opening-up of serious personal troubles. On the other side of the coin, Winn offered Kubey and Csikzenymihalyi’s research grasping on affirmative values of television to the family. Based on research they conducted, majority of the viewers feels good and calm; nonetheless, those situations were felt during watching TV together with their families compare to families who allocated less time to TV viewing. Pragmatically, families share the quiet time together but they can’t express real family values; they can only relate to the portrayed inaccurate and â€Å"pseudo community†adaptation of TV programs. Other significant studies show the relevance of television impact to the children’s social development. Hilary Jackson, on her research work on the effects of television to children as absorbed from violent themes of various television programs, stated that †¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Over thirty years, findings have consistently demonstrated that violence on TV correlates with subsequent aggressive behaviour†This study proves how TV can easily corrupt upright, innocent without discerning the basic human values of right from wrong. In 2000, CBS has risen the pop television culture â€Å"Reality TV†through Big Brother . Do you realize why this program this program isn’t beneficial to us? First, it gives the idea of dependency on game-shows offering fat cash, leaving respectable value of hard-work elsewhere. Second, contenders are willing to show and do malicious acts for the sake of winning the $500,000. 00 cash prize and some intently camouflage their true identity even if the truth is the opposite of who they are in the Big Brother house for the same goal. Third, they only result to voyeurism. In a recent study on reality-based programs conducted by Robert Nabi and collegues, â€Å"results suggest first that though voyeurism (i. e. , curiosity about others) appears to be a key distinguishing gratification between reality and fictional programming, it is not always a predictor of reality television enjoyment. †In his popular commentary in The Guardian in 2001, Salman Rushdie shares similar view on voyeurism in television. as Nabi. Big Brother house is like a human size aquarium. It permits a consented invasion of privacy of the contestants; thus, insatiable sex perverts can freely view them bare 24 hours a day. Finally, programs like Survivor and Big Brother, are just trivializing sacred human feelings for network rating’s sake and an equivalent affluence and popularity for the winner who has capitalized on either pretending or immorally real. They definitely can’t give us decent family values. It all ends to business as usual.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Red Pandas Essays
Red Pandas Essays Red Pandas Paper Red Pandas Paper RED. PANDAS Hello, boys and girls my name is Kira, and today Ill tell you about one of our greatest discoveries When most people see the word panda, they think of the Big, furry, black-and-white Giant Panda. But the Lesser-known Red Panda, three times smaller, is also in Danger. Today classified as vulnerable, its status could Quickly change to endangered. The red panda is a living fossil. It has no close surviving relatives, and most resembles raccoons and skunks, not giant pandas. The red Pandas live in the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China. They primarily eat bamboo leaves and berries and Blossoms. Red Pandas mostly stay to themselves except During mating time that is during the day time. After about 134 days the red pandas give birth to one-four young. After Birth the red pandas mother cleans her cubs and recognizes Its by smell. Baby red pandas reach adult size about twelve Months. The babies are born in small holes in the trees. If The red pandas den is discovered more than once by a Human the mother eats her cubs. Their claws are partially Retractable. They have an extended bone which is like a thumb. Red pandas live up to twelve fourteen years. Over the winter they lose 15% f body weight. Like the giant pandas it has a false thumb. That is an extension of the wrist bone. The red panda is slightly larger than a domestic cat. It has reddish-brown fur, a long, shaggy tail and a waddling due to its shorter legs. The red panda is the only living species of the genus Ailurus and the Family Ailuridae. Its also in the bear families and also not closely related to the giant pandas. The red pandas have excellent camouflage against its habitat of moss- and Lichen- covered trees. The Snow leopards and wild dogs are the predators. The red pandas are most active during the ay. Also the sad part about it that they only 2500 pandas left in the world. They are primarily hunt down the red panda because they use the fur to make hats and Jackets. That led their extinction for over years. FUN FACTS white pandas. They usually like to live alone, then in groups. Also red panda use their tongues to detect smell. Therefore, thats todays lesson before you take a break kids i need to ask everyone a question. What choice will you make when you leave here today? Will you help the Red Pandas, or will you go about your normal routine? By: Kira Checkley
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Bulling in the Public Schools and the Laws that Protect Students and Essay
Bulling in the Public Schools and the Laws that Protect Students and Teachers - Essay Example Still, the public has the right to be informed as much as possible. Two Case Studies of Bullying The following are stories of two victims of bullies: ("Case Studies," 2008) Case 1: MY name is Katelyn Weinert and earlier this year I was bitten on the arm by another student at high school.The school suggested I move away from my group of friends and find somewhere else to "hang out" to lessen the chances of this student and I coming into contact with each otherThis boy doesn't just contain his harassment to school either. My mum has witnessed him approaching me on a number of occasions in public harassing me. Case 2: MYfirst few years of high school were torture. If it wasn't bad enough being new to the school certain people went out of their way to make it worse. There were a few people who used to write nasty notes, follow us home and make prank calls. This one particular bully used to harass my younger sister who was 10 at the time. It only happened when I was not there. It wasn't long until she started with me These days I look back and wish I could have ignored the harassment, but during school that's when you're trying to find yourself, and it's little things like that that can affect us in adult life. The cases cited above should be an eye opener to legislators, educators, and students of education that bullying could victimize practically anyone. The frustrations expressed by the two victims should obligate authorities to tackle this problem seriously. But first things first, facts about bullying should be set straight. Myths about bullying must be deconstructed as shown in the next section. Myths about Bullying According to psychologist Dan Olweus, there are ten myths about bullying. To the degree that these are not addressed,... This essayb approves that regardless of the causes of bullying, the people in the receiving end of bullying had the right for protection, students and teachers alike. With this need in mind, there were several legislations passed against bullying although these by themselves are not enough. It is important for teachers and parents to consult lawyers and other legal experts about the technicalities involved with federal and state laws on bullying. For example, there is a prevailing 10-day myth on suspensions. According to this misconception, the maximum cumulative days that an offender must be suspended is 10 days. This is not entirely true. This is only true with students with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act. But even if students have disabilities according to the definition provided by IDEA, if such students pose clear and present danger, the safety of other students must also be considered. Hence, the law does not preclude school administrators from disciplining such bullies beyond 10 days. This report makes a conclusion that anyone charged with a crime cannot make ignorance of laws as an excuse. Ignorantia legis neminem excusat or ignorance of the law excuses no one. Every person is presumed to know the provisions of the law. With this in mind, victims of bullies should not be afraid that the law will favor those offenders. On the part of school administrators and teachers, they ought to be informed of specific laws that will tackle and deal with problems of bullying. And they should utilize every provision of state and federal laws in favor of the victims, since bullying is an offense that should not be taken lightly.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
The Impact of E-Commerce on the US Labour Market Dissertation
The Impact of E-Commerce on the US Labour Market - Dissertation Example Moreover, the leading role of the US in E-Commerce might raise fears to otherin other countries for losing out their talent labours and their own competitiveness due to the global character of the revolution. Furthermore, the impact of E-Commerce on different industries or occupations is likely to be different; downward pressure in retail salespersons is perhaps more than offset by upward pressure in IT engineers, online customer service representatives and postal service carriers that E-Commerce generates. As wages, education and employment are highly correlated, E-Commerce does not only affect the labour market but also the national income level and qualifications that necessitate are needed to entering the industries. All of these factors indicate the high significance of E-Commerce to the economy and, therefore, , utilizing the full capacity of novelty could have overwhelming impacts to the aggregate economic performance; it is essential to perform a complete and precise analysis on this issue. This paper aims to look at the employment effect that E-Commerce has generated in the US, and particularly we will focus on analysing how the potential "'economy stream engine"' alters the employment structure in different industries. An industry-based approach is needed due to the fact that the diffusion of E-Commerce is of dissimilar magnitude in each industry; it is undoubtedly that the "Information" sector has been affected the most whilst the effect on "Construction" sector has been of "'second"' order. In the following section I shall summarize previous discussions and empirical literatures which are relevant to the theme. I shall then present the method that I employ in this research and refer to the pertinent economic theories... It's clear from the research that the current US administration under the President George W. Bush is no exception, and has: 1) signed the Internet Tax Moratorium and the Internet Non-Discrimination Act to make Internet access affordable for encouraging the evolution of E-Commerce; 2) kept the Internet a Duty-Free Zone to facilitate the growth of E-Commerce; 3) negotiated the â€Å"‘Cybercrime Convention†’ with another 28 countries to fight Internet criminals; 4) expanded and strengthened crucial E-Infrastructure Protection to protect E-businesses from cyber threats; 5) approved the New Federal Standard, now called the Advanced Encryption Standard. In conclusion, due to data and time limitations, this paper analyzed just only 3 industries and is subjected to errors. As the employment impacts of E-Commerce are very complex and contradictory interactions, further researches on this topic can be done by extending the industry-based approach to all 12 industries in the US. Combining results from 12 industries will give an overview of how E-Commerce alters the labor market as a whole. Moreover, developing another assessing method will also be useful to analyze the thesis from another point of views. Finally, as consumer behaviors and policies differ between countries, it would also be interesting to see the analysis being done in other big E-Economy, such as Australia and or the United Kingdom, or to conjoin 2 or more countries in one analysis for measuring the international labor flows and migrations begotten by E-Commerce.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Value of Project Management Essay Example for Free
Value of Project Management Essay In the pursuit for effectively managing complex IT projects in a competitive wireless industry, the value of project management to Verizon enhances the brand identity through strategic management. The Verizon Wireless Corporation is the nation’s most dependable and reliable wireless network with the largest retail customers in the industry. The Verizon Wireless internal and external demographic is their customer base at 67. 2 million, fulltime employees at 69,000, and the annual revenue at $43. 9 billion. The success of Verizon Wireless offered the opportunity to have a joint-venture with Vodafone to expand the network and available services. Therefore, the need for a project management protocol for successful strategic measures empowered the Verizon stakeholder planned initiatives. The role of strategic planning to the Verizon organization is the proactive activity for RD strategies emphasizing the importance of technology and product-market decisions. The value of project management enhances the objectives of the strategic planning initiatives set forth to accomplishing the corporation goals. The strategy implementation from stakeholders offers the benefit to instill a direct assessment of strengths and weaknesses in the corporation (Hunger and Wheelen, 2007). Therefore, the utilization of strategic planning reinforces the primary outliers identified in the initial strategy assessment. The strategic planning provided the RD initiatives for new IT technology to make consumers wireless experience more efficient. The project management technical aspects offer the means to identify what tasks are needed to be delivered within the set timeframe and budget. The value of project management benefits Verizon Wireless to performing the necessary application, in which, to significantly improve the consistency of outcomes resembled what the organization anticipated. Furthermore, the emphasis on project management for Verizon is the security for adapting to the complex needs of an IT special project. The value of project management provided the integral parts necessary in the desired deliverable for a new updated LG Voyager phone. The project management satisfied the many and variety of tasks that meet specific and unique characteristics for manufacturing, sales, and marketing initiatives for a new phone with advanced technical capabilities. The project management value is managing each specific task and uniqueness with a specific deliverable that is aimed at meeting a specific need or purpose. The value of project management created the success of a temporary endeavor undertaken for the strategic planning of an updated product. Verizon Wireless success is the creativity and technology advancement to staying competitive in the market, in which, the strategic planning for utilizing project management methodology successfully organizes the project activities. These activities are in-depth and several departments in the organization assist the project management team by providing resources for a successful delivery of deliverables. Therefore, the true value comes into play when the market demand for newer technology drives the need for an updated product roll-out that the project management activities are required within the organization’s normal operational limits (PMBOK, 2004). The role of strategic planning structured the tasks centrally on improving the current state in the demanding market, customer brand identity and brand equity for Verizon Wireless. The strategic planning implementation empowers the principles of project management to provide value in each required tasks. Therefore, the strategic planning for manufacturing the advanced technology phone answers the market demand identified in RD at Verizon Wireless – that presents the project management framework in accomplishing the management approach. The Verizon Wireless strategic planning is an ongoing measure that continues the identification on certain initiatives needed in enhancing projects objectives. The overall concern for a successful strategic planning is the support from stakeholders at Verizon Wireless that coordinate with the project management team. The cooperative strategies are the means for gaining competitive advantages within the industry by all teams working together. The primary type of cooperative strategy is the strategic alliance, in which, the core objectives are mutually achieved and beneficial. Moreover, the project management value to the company Verizon created a synergy of resources within the organization that incorporated all skills and talents for a productive product deliverable. The alliance of the RD divisions with other departments intensified the strength of Verizon Wireless as well as limits the identified weaknesses to manufacture a new advanced cell phone. The Verizon Wireless RD intensity is a principal means of gaining the market share in a domestic and global competitive market share. Respectively, the RD business unit at Verizon exposed the technological competence and technology transfer to assure a successful capability to the strategic planning of innovation (Mantel, Meredith, Shafer, and Sutton, 2008). The underlying value of project management continuity of deliverables within a complex IT environment reinforces the Verizon Wireless strategic planning. The constant changing of consumers needs and desires for a productive, easy-friendly, and with many options product strengthen the notion for Verizon Wireless to apply a direct approach to the project. The strategic planning fundamental role is in securing the core aspects for infusing the company’s advantages into the market through project management for securing brand identity and brand equity.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Essay --
Disasters are sudden and tragic which experiences huge loss, damage, destruction, waste of land and life. Most times it becomes difficult measure the damage resulted through disasters. It harms the complete living status of the dwellers of the affected and neighboring area by interfering in their socio-economic growth. The impacts of a disaster includes ridiculous disturbance in the usual living condition as the basic necessities like food, health, home, etc becomes inaccessible. Classification and characteristics of disasters: Natural and Manmade are the two basic categories of the disaster and as per their destruction, these are further classified into major or minor disasters. The 21st century feels to be the worst victim of both natural and manmade disasters. Equally major and minor natural disasters already started to hit the prosperity of the humanity and the manmade disasters are ready to fire. Yes, the current recorded impacts of deforestation, pollution, epidemics, road accidents, inhumanity, etc like manmade disasters are evident of upcoming tragedies. Natural disasters h...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Prisoner Education
The education of prisoners is a topic that is riddled with complications. One of the major barriers in the way of prisoner education is public indifference and ignorance. It seems that people are almost happy to simply lock people away rather than actually confront problems such as recidivism and community reintegration. Our paper argues that prisoner education is not only a good thing, but is necessary to fix the underlying problems within the United States prison system.There is definitely a lack of education programs in our prison system today. Furthermore, even in those institutions that have education programs have many different problems such as; courses that are interrupted or terminated on the personal whims of prison administrators; the absence of libraries; waiting lists for programs; limited or no access to training in information technology; vocational courses that are dated paths to nowhere.By looking at effective existing programs, field studies at Massachusetts prisons , and actual prisoner interviews we will attempt to outline a model program and argue that educating prisoners is a means by which to help save out failing prison system. As we have talked about in class, the United States has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world, but we also possess one of the highest crime rates. If the previous statement is true, there is an enormous problem with our system, and we believe that education is the key to solving it.In order to properly critique our prison system it is important to look at existing educational and vocational programs in our area. The Massachusetts Department of Correction’s has a mission statement which reads, â€Å"The Massachusetts Department of Correction’s mission is to promote public safety by managing offenders while providing care and appropriate programming in preparation for successful reentry into the community. †They do this by following their four step program â€Å"Manage – Ca re – Program – Prepare. We found that some of the programs offered may fit this mission, but others need tweaking. The first prison we decided to research was MCI Norfolk. MCI Norfolk utilizes a myriad of different programs, from adult basic education to Welding. However, the sheer number of programs offered does not always indicate a successful educational system. In our research we found that Norfolk, although possessing a wide verity of programs, is one of the worst educational programs in the Massachusetts Department of Corrections.However, MCI-Norfolk does offer a few programs that we thought were very unique and would be helpful in designing a model program. For example, MCI Norfolk offers a program called the â€Å"Responsible Fatherhood Program†which seeks to raise the awareness of male inmates’ parental responsibility. The program tries to emphasize the value and importance that a father’s presence can have on a child. The program lasts e ight weeks and requires a minimum of eight hours of structured curriculum driven activities.The RFP program works in three stages, with the ultimate goal of reunited father’s with their children, and strengthening their bond as father and child. The â€Å"Fatherhood Graduate Maintenance Program†is for graduates of the RFP program, which allows inmates to practice and discuss the skills they were taught in the previous stage. Once they have passed the FGMP stage, the inmate moves onto the Father/Child Visitation Component, which is a structured and staff facilitated visit for inmates who have completed the first two steps of the program.What we liked about this program is not only that it seeks an important goal (preparing inmates to become better fathers), but it is very extensive and requires a lot of dedication from the inmate. Another program that we liked was the â€Å"Employment Readiness Program†which is a 10-day workshop that is designed to assist inmat es in the development of the necessary skills that are needed for successful transition back into the community. The program runs 2. 5 hours per day for inmates who are within one year of their earliest possible release date.Throughout the course the participants are taught; resume building, cover letter writing, job application processes, mock interviews and how to maintain employment. Also includes social support, housing plans, financial awareness and budgeting, education referrals, criminal impact and attainable goals. All of these skills are important to learn in order to find and maintain a job, and some inmates may have never learned these skills. Our biggest critique of the program is that it is far too short.There are a lot of important skills listed in the program description, but 10-days at 2. 5 hours a day is not nearly enough time. Our suggestion is to run the same type of program, but offer it as a yearlong class. This class is offered at all of the Massachusetts Depar tment of Corrections prisons, and we feel with the proper revamping, it could be a very successful program. The third existing program that we looked at was the Boston University Program. The program is designed to meet the needs of the students who have accumulated a minimum of twelve transferable college credits.Students eligible to enter this program have an opportunity to achieve a Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Studies from BU’s Metropolitan College. Although this program requires inmates to have already accumulated college credits (which most have not) we thought it was important to mention because this program is donated in full by Boston University. Many times over the semester we have seen that finding funding for prisoner education is difficult. Most people are hesitant to want to pay any amount of money to fund the education of criminals, and that is why programs like the Boston University program are so important.If we can remove the stigma associated with prisoner education, finding funding will become easier, and more programs will be available. The final prison program we looked at was the Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center. As with MCI Norfolk, Souza-Baranowski offered many different programs, including; barber school, computer technology, culinary arts, educational counseling, English as a second language, and many more. However, like Norfolk, we found that Souza-Baranowski had certain programs that were unique to their facility.The program that we thought was most unique and interesting was the â€Å"Relapse Program†which is a vendor facilitated eight week, twenty-four session program designed to assist inmates in identifying high risk situations that may lead to relapse, and teach them skills to address those situations without relapse. We thought this program was essential because using a prison as a detox center and never teaching addicts the skills they need to avoid relapse is ineffective. This program not only helps parti cipants identify high risk situations, but helps them develop the skills they need to avoid or combat those situations.Souza-Baranowski utilizes many different programs in order to educate their inmates, and that is part of the reason why we decided to do part of our field study at this location. Our fieldwork interview conducted by our Crime and Social Justice group focused on the Souza-Baranowski Corrections Center (SBCC) by speaking to their Education Principal. This facility, located in Shirley, MA, is considered a Maximum Security Level Prison. Sitting on top of 18 acres of land, the SBCC is one of Massachusetts’ newest correctional facilities holding close to 1300 inmates. The principal of the school, Mr. Brian Hogan, kindly volunteered his time and answered a few questions regarding the model education program available at the SBCC. Brian Hogan has held the position of principal of Souza-Baranowski Corrections Center since the prison’s founding in 1999. His expe rience as a public school teacher and as a case manager for the Department of Correction made him a qualified candidate for the position. The information he relayed to us about the SBCC education system as well as his opinions on the subject matter was very useful to our group in figuring out what works for prison education and what does not.According to Mr. Hogan, the school in SBCC houses around 200 inmates and offers a variety of different classes for all levels of education. The elementary school classrooms, which ranges in grade levels from 2nd to 6th is in one classroom, while the 6th to 8th grade level students are in the Middle School Classroom. At the high school level, two classrooms exist; one with a pre-GED teacher and another with grades 9-12th. In addition to these basic classrooms, specialty teachers exist for the prisoners who might have more difficulty in the learning process such as literacy, ESL and special education classes.Finally, the highest level of education available for the inmates is a limited amount of college courses available through a distance learning program and videoconferencing. In our interview, Brian Hogan thoroughly described the process necessary to be considered for the education program and the eligibility requirements for the prisoners. The MCI diagnostics department for basic educations tests all the offenders who wish to be considered for the educational program. Through this test, they determine his level based on their scores on language, math and reading exams.Subsequently, the inmate’s name is placed on a waiting list while the education level is sufficiently evaluated and based on whether spots are available or not, this determines if they are enrolled as student in the school. All of the prisoners are eligible for a spot in the program, but certain circumstances create a higher likelihood of actually being chosen. SBCC is more likely to enroll inmates with smaller sentences as well as the ones that are closest to their release date. According to Mr. Hogan, the reason for this is to effectively reach out to the prisoner right before they are released into the community when they need it most. SBCC contains a wide variety of inmates and many who are at different points in their sentences. From men who are about to be released to others who might be doing life in jail, all kinds of inmates do exist in the facility. Although these prisoners doing life do get a shot at attending the prison school, they are definitely the least prioritized in receiving an education.Even as least likely, these men are not completely excluded and one spot by SBCC is reserved in every classroom for a â€Å"lifer†. The education system is focused wholly on a voluntary basis for the inmates. No one officer or teacher exists that goes out and recruits the inmates or encourages them to join the school. The men are given the material: handbooks, outlines and all types of information about the school to a ttract their participation. Whether the inmates decide to apply for a vacancy or not is totally up to them.SBCC does offer an incentive to encourage the prisoners to enroll. The incentive takes two and half days off the inmates’ sentence for every month he attends school. It should also be noted that this is all contingent upon the good behavior of the offender. As soon as he acts up, however, he is taken out of the classroom and not allowed to attend the education program any longer. One of the questions our group was interested in knowing more about concerned the funding and technology available to the prison in order to successfully to teach these prisoner students. As Mr. Hogan remarked, some funds do come from the Massachusetts State budget however, the program also depends on private state grants for a big portion of the money necessary to support the education program. The prison’s technology resources are relatively well-off with two to three computers, with no internet connection, available in each classroom. Additionally, different software programs are also available for these students such as spelling and keyboard software as well as GED preparation software. The ESL learners also have the benefit of Rosetta Stone to aid them in learning English.In Hogan’s opinion, SBCC’s school can be considered as â€Å"cutting edge in education†for prisons. He believes that recent years has brought about a new focus and shift directed towards college classes, where 15 of the 200 men enrolled in education classes are currently capable of taking college-level courses and work towards an Associates’ degree. The school has helpful teachers who are experienced with public school teaching and school counselors who point the students in the right direction and encourage their schooling. The program, to Mr. Hogan, is moving in the right direction and the state and national statistics available suggests that education in prisons does work. Evidence shows that prisoners, who have some college or schooling after leaving prison, do not return. Not only are recidivism rates reduced, but these men usually find decent jobs and overall the public becomes safer because once released these guys do not commit crimes again. Mr. Hogan mentions that just by having these education classes, it goes a long way in changing the norms when it comes to education in prisons.He talked about how years ago such education programs would definitely have been frowned upon by the public. People were incapable of understanding why men, who have committed crimes and are in jail to pay for these offenses, would be rewarded with the opportunity to get an education in prison. People especially turned against such schooling whenever taxpayer’s dollars entered into the picture. As Brian Hogan put it, education systems in prison are not the most politically correct thing and that is why the public often gets in the way of the promotio n of these education programs in facilities. Speaking to Mr. Hogan increased our knowledge base about the specific programs available in Massachusetts for prisoners, and compared to some of our other experiences we counted ourselves lucky that this interview went so smoothly. This was not the case with some of the other contacts that our group tried to reach out to. After submitting multiple proposals to the Suffolk House of Corrections, in the end our request to visit the prison to speak to the inmates was denied. In another attempt to visit a prison, and if that failed, then to speak to the school principal, we contacted MCI Norfolk just as we had reached out to Souza-Baranowski.Unfortunately, Ms. Diane Wiffin was not the most obliging and went back and forth with our group as if trying to avoid the questions and unwilling to give her opinion. When we informed her that the principal of SBCC had given us the description of his education program, she asked to review his answers, and her response was as follows: Hi, Chelsea! Veronica M. Madden, Deputy Commissioner of the Classification, Programs and Reentry Division, and I have reviewed your proposal and the questions and responses from Brian Hogan, Principal at Souza Baranowski Correctional Center. Mr.  Hogan's responses can be applied to MCI Norfolk as there are consistencies in the administration of our education programs throughout our facilities.Deputy Commissioner Madden did want to comment on your question as to why people are refusing to give you information and how hard it is to obtain an interview. We don't know who else you have contacted, but as I indicated to you when we spoke, we get an overwhelming number of student projects and we have limited resources to be responsive to those requests. As much as we would like to be available, we just don't have the resources. In terms of Mr. Hogan's response to that question, Deputy Commissioner Madden wonders if Mr. Hogan was referring to potential publi c reaction to inmates who participate in the Boston University Prison Program, which is donated by BU at no cost to taxpayers. BU also makes several scholarships available to DOC staff. We think the public is supportive of inmates' receiving adult basic education, GED and vocational training. Attached is a copy of our Program Description Booklet. Education information is contained in that. Also as part of that booklet is a listing of programs and education/vocation training listed by facility.In addition, on www. mass. gov/DOC there is research material covering recidivism rates. This is should be exactly what you need for your project†¦ Diane Wiffin, Director of Public Affairs As her response shows, little time is available for the Deputy Commissioner to answer our questions and apparently the program of SBCC can be applied to MCI Norfolk. Our group was lucky that Mr. Hogan did not mind answering our questions but this reluctant behavior made us wonder why prisons were unwilli ng to talk to us about their facilities.Before contacting Ms. Wiffin, we had already experienced certain setbacks with the process and we decided to ask Brian Hogan what his opinion was about why so much disinclination existed to speak to a group of Boston college students. He believed the difficulties we experienced were due to their fear of the public’s reaction to education in prisons. Many times these prison education programs are not advertised for people and either they do not understand or choose to not understand just what affects it could have on the community. Mr.Hogan reflected, the taxpayer does not want to spend their money on something considered to be more of a reward, when they should be punished. In addition, he mentioned that this government funding for programs of college education receives much critique because parents have their own children that they are struggling to put through college. Consequently, seeing men in prisons able to take advantage of this makes them angry. Overall prisons are very skeptical of people’s intentions and fear that something, like education, that they believe to be good, could be misconstrued by the public.This is especially true because as he puts it, what newspapers and the media portray is often negative when it comes to crimes and inmates in prisons. From these negative images, people make their own negative assumptions and believe that all prisoners are bad and should not receive any education. As a result, many do not care that this, overall, would be something better for the community and many take no importance that such education reduces the rate of recidivism. Mr. Hogan also states, that the â€Å"reality does not make for good reading,†and so little things like watching a recently released film to prisoners becomes outrageous for some constituents. These interesting opinions from Mr. Hogan reminded our group of everything that our class had touched upon regarding the image of cr ime in the media. Sara Beale, in the article we read for class â€Å"The News Media’s Influence on Criminal Justice Policy: How Market-Driven News Promotes Punitiveness,†(Beale 2006) claims that the media is manipulated to show a negative image of crime in the public and as a result instills a moral panic.In framing, the media emphasizes a certain crime story, idea or feeling, often negative, resulting in the viewer’s fear in crime and offenders. The more fear they feel, the more the inclination to call for punitive policy and punish the offender. Also, television shows and news reports are used as entertainment for the public to improve ratings. This means that the entertainment sometimes does not accurately reflect the reality. (Beale 2006) This inaccurate reflection of reality encapsulates how people in the public view education for prisons and how it is portrayed to the masses.For this reason, the prisons are scared their education programs might lose fundi ng and resources, and therefore are reluctant to give away too much information to the public and media. In general, our group’s opinion of the SBCC’s is favorable and can be considered a good education model. Other information that we have gathered shows that the only programs some prisons actually have depend upon re-entry programs. These re-entry programs tend to lecture to the inmates on the limitations on their behavior, before they are released into the community.Oftentimes no real engagement occurs with the prisoners, and if no education exists than these former inmates are more likely to commit crimes again. We believe that the college classes available to the inmates of SBCC are a significant asset to their program, and other research we conducted suggests that these classes are the most effective in reducing recidivism. Opponents do arise amongst the public concerning education in prison, but it would be more beneficial if they took into consideration that mo re education equals less crime and less recurring offenders.Another conclusion we arrived at from our interview is the need for other prisons to implement these education programs and to make them more available to inmates. With only 200 prisoners out of 1300 allowed to participate in schooling, there are still many who never get the opportunity to learn. If these classes were available to more of the inmate population, then perhaps recidivism could be addressed more thoroughly through these efforts. We also believe that prisons such as MCI Norfolk should improve their programs if the reason for not giving us information is because the program they have is incompetent.If the reason for not talking to us is due to fear of misrepresentation, we think this has to be addressed in a different manner, perhaps through informational pamphlets or some other form of media to get the message out to the public that education in prisons is a good thing. After many trials and tribulations, trying to break through the barriers of prison security that refuses to share the prison education information, we got creative. Pondville Correctional Center is located in the town of Norfolk, Massachusetts. The facility houses 204 inmates total.The majority of the inmates are Level 3, which means that they are minimum-security inmates, while the others are Level 2, meaning that they are pre-release inmates. Our group decided to go to one of the work placements, which was at an auction house near the facility. About fifteen inmates were present at the auction house, and we had the opportunity to speak directly with all of them during the hour before the auction. This was an incredible and interesting experience, one that none of us had ever had before. It gave us much more insight into the prison system and the people inside of it.As mentioned on the Mass. gov website, â€Å"The primary mission of Pondville Correctional Center is to protect the public’s safety by incarcerating in mates and to provide inmates the opportunity for responsible reintegration and positive behavioral change†(Public Safety, 2011). We believe that in order to fully reintegrate someone into society, inmates need to be educated and also have vocational training so that they can be a meaningful and productive addition to society once they are out of prison. When looking at the programs offered at all of the prisons, the options seem pretty extensive.For example, Pondville requires all inmates to work unless they have a medical waiver and they also give prisoners vocational, educational, and self-help opportunities. The facility boasts that their education programs are â€Å"innovative†. They offer classes including Adult Basic Education, English as a Second language, GED tutoring, and a Life Skills Computer program that focuses on resume writing, job applications, job interviews, and personal finance. If we merely looked at the website, we would conclude that the opportuni ties for inmates are there, they just have to get involved.After speaking with the inmates, we realized that this was not the case at all. The inside perspective from the inmates, that other prisons had so desperately tried to keep from us, made it clear that, although they have some classes, it is almost impossible to get into the programs. The reality is that there is open door access to programs at prisons, but it goes by earliest release date and overall there are not nearly enough programs. One man said that there are only about eighteen men per class, but 400 people want to be in that class.Also, because it is by earliest release date, many people will be in prison for years until they get the chance to be in the program. How we can we, as a society, expect someone to become completely educated if we only let them into the programs 6 months before they are released? We, as a society, are appalled that people are let out of prison and then go back to their old habits, but this is because they do not know how else to act. They fall back into their own uneducated ways and wind back in prison, but if we do not give them an education, what else should we expect?Another issue with the education offered to prisoners is that most of the teachers do not have high expectations for the inmates. As one inmate stated, if we show up, we pass. We do not have to do anything if we do not want to, but if we merely show up, she will pass us. From experience, our group agreed that it is extremely hard to try hard and have a strong work ethic when your teacher expects nothing from you. A lot of the teachers at the prisons, as Brian Hogan, principal at Souza Baranowski told us, have been laid off and, therefore, are relocating to prisons.This means that they are real and qualified teachers, but then why are they not expecting the same from the inmates as they did from their previous students? The teachers need to take responsibility for the success of the inmates. They need t o have expectations for the prisoners and only pass them if they deserve to pass. Having education classes is a start, but they need to have education classes in which the prisoners actually learn things, and that is not going to happen if they are passed just for showing up.Denying prisoners feeds into a theory that we discussed this semester while reading The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison. (Reiman, & Leighton, 2010). The Pyrrhic defeat theory states â€Å"the American criminal justice system – the entire process from law-making to law-enforcing – has failed to eliminate the rates of crime that characterize our society and threaten our citizens†(Reiman, & Leighton, 2010). We discussed this theory as a group and concluded that the criminal justice system fails to liminate the rates of crime because we are sending inmates back into society the same way (or even worse) than they were when they entered the system. Instead of using the years that they are in the system to educate them and teach them better ways, we are letting them sit around watching Jerry Springer, joining gangs, or fighting each other. By denying prisoners a proper education and then just expecting them to change and not come back to prison is absurd. The ignorance of people believing that prisoners are not entitled to an education will just continue to perpetuate the crime cycle.For example, if an offender has served his time and has to face the world again with a lack of academic knowledge on top of an already perceived low morale as they will be judged for being in prison in the first place, it will be a lot easier for them to stray again and end up back in the system. However, with the prospect of being educated and having added knowledge, this will hopefully encourage and give inmates the confidence and ability to make something of their lives and also be provided with the idea that they can do other things in life than turn to crime.We need to be smart on c rime. We need to educate people so that they have the ability to change once they are released. Once a prisoner gets his GED, so many more doors open up for them and more opportunities arise. Because they already have a strike against them for being in prison, inmates need credentials to get their foot into the door, and an education will help them with this. While visiting the auction house, we talked directly with a man named Tom Lyons. Tom has spent the last twenty years in prison for killing a man. When he entered the system, he was illiterate.After spending some time with Tom, we learned that a mixture of religion and education changed his life. His release date was coming up on April 15th, and he could now read and write due to the education that he received in prison. He studied poetry while in the system and his favorite author is Emily Dickinson. Tom says that having an education made him realize that he wanted to help others, and he wants to go around speaking to groups ab out his experiences, etc. He also said that without an education, he never would have been able to have the confidence to want to make something of his life once he gets out.While Tom was lucky enough to get an education, he also has missed out on a lot. Over the past twenty years, so much has changed in our society. Cell phones, Internet, and other technological advances have transformed us. However, Tom has never experienced most of these things. He was getting out in 15 days and they were just teaching him how to use a computer. He said that there were always programs that were interesting to him, but he could not get into them until he was really close to getting out.As Tom said, â€Å"if you’re preparing someone to change their entire life, you need to start right as we get in. Not one year before we are getting out. I was lucky and got into an education program earlier, but millions of people are not. †Tom may have learned to read and write, but he is still so f ar behind in terms of understanding technology, something crucial to succeeding in today’s world. From speaking with Tom, we realized that there is so much that needs to be addressed within the education department within prisons.After speaking with Tom and the other prisoners, we realized that there is an open door access to programs, but this does not mean much because a lot of people cannot get into the programs because eligibility goes by earliest release date. The prisoners gave us some of their main wishes for the education system. These included for people to have higher expectations for them, for there to be more programs and more GED programs, and to have teachers who truly care about their success instead of just showing up to get a pay check.These wishes are all things that we think many would agree with. They are not asking for things that are absurd. They are just asking to be given the chance to get an education, and if we, as a society, want them to stop ending up back in prison, that is exactly what we need to give them; a good education and skills to use outside of prison. Although there are solid arguments why it is unfair for prisoners to be getting these perks while being in prison, one must remember the structural deficits that currently exist in our society.In an ideal world, education in the prison systems would not be a necessity or a topic of discussion. Within an idealistic system, there would be adequate educational programs that created motivation and encouragement in all youth to work hard and stay on the right path. This correct path would lead students to the ample jobs awaiting them. There would be no need to resort to criminal activity in order to support oneself or one’s family. Anyone who did stray from these available opportunities would have no excuse for their irresponsible behaviors, leaving prison as their option of punishment.However, and this is a big however, because the current structural system is not giving everyone equal opportunities to climb the rungs of the social ladder. Understandable then, many individuals feel trapped into a life of crime and violence as a means to escape the grueling effects of an unfair system. This is not an excuse, nor is it justification for the crimes that many people are arrested and imprisoned for. Regardless of the unfair system, acts of violence and criminality should neither be supported nor accepted. Because society does not mirror the ideal that many wish for, there will inevitable be acts that are deemed unlawful.With an unequal system and over two million inmates the question arises, whether as a nation our desire is to rehabilitate these prisoners or just punish them and house them in prison cells for the rest of their lives. There are many sides to every story, and in this case there are those who support educational programs within prisons and there are those who are opposed to it. Some argue against education for those on death row, wh ile others say that no one in prison should be given the opportunity of an education. Knowledge is power, but why should prisoners be given this power?The money that is being spent on prisons should be going to the education of people who are not criminals. Others argue that there is so much money being spent on housing and feeding prisoners already. Why do these prisoners deserve an education when so many children are suffering through poorly funded public school systems? The most popular reason is that people believe their tax dollars are being spent on educating prisoners while many Americans struggle to send their children to college or even good high schools. Also, educating prisoners is seen as a distant reward that benefits them individually rather than benefitting societyUnfortunately America’s individualistic nature creates a shortcoming for their nation. They do not see the benefits of educating prisoners. An educated nation is a better nation. The stance that will be taken is to rehabilitate prisoners and allow them to become working members of society upon their release. Under this perspective, the education system within a prison would not only be necessary but would serve as a vital program to helping prisoners have the slightest chance at emerging into society as skillful and productive members.If inmates receive an education before they are released from prison, if they have help through this system to gain a job and work to support themselves, one can only hope that it would reduce the level of crime and reduce the number of prisoners re-entering prisons. This hope is the reality. Although Studies have clearly shown that â€Å"participants in prison education, vocation and work programs have recidivism rates 20-60 percent lower than those of non-participants†(Granoff, J 2009) many Americans still disagree with the education of prisoners.Despite these negative arguments against educating prisoners, there exist an abundant number of advantages to these programs. After discussing with the Principal and director of the prisons and discussing with the inmates themselves, it is clear that the education system is under a lot of scrutiny by the public. The principle of the Souza-Baranowski maximum-security prison said, â€Å"People don’t understand it. People are struggling to send their kids to college. People are abiding by the laws and doing the right things don’t see the benefit of educating those who have broken law†.Without information on programs and how they work to benefit society, the general population will remain oblivious to the constructive aspects of these programs. The media affects the way we view society and the programs within it. Media programs stress certain points that highlight what people want to hear, what lobbyists want said and what society deems important at the time. In order for people to realize the extent of the positive impacts of the programs available, we nee d to hear more success stories like that of Joan.Joan said, â€Å"I did not realize at the time that I had taken the first step on a journey of lifelong learning. Nor that the process would allow me to accumulate â€Å"human capital†(qualifications skills and abilities), â€Å"identity capital†(self-worth) and â€Å"social capital†(a supportive network of friends and colleagues). †(Erwin, J) She is just one example of the many positively impacted individuals who were transformed from caterpillars to butterflies with a little encouragement and motivation.As said before, we believe that many of the existing programs in the prison systems aim at positively influencing the prisoners. We understand the complexity of the issues at hand and the controversy that surrounds this discussion. Although these troubles exist, we came up with what our model program would consist of, and the recommendations that we have concerning the programs that are currently being utilized. Our model program is based on a rehabilitative method. We would want to prisoners to accumulate â€Å"human capital†â€Å"identity capital†and â€Å"social capital†as Joan described.The programs would be mandatory to ensure that all prisoners were getting involved. There would also be incentives to take part in the programs. Of course the prisoners should want to take advantage of these programs without being pushed to do so, however, we recognize that getting the ball rolling will show these prisoners what they are capable of. For many inmates, no one has ever pushed them to capitalize on their true potentials, which leaves them yearning for self-fulfillment in all the wrong arenas.Our hope is that once they see their capabilities, this will push them to continue to work hard and motivate them to move past their criminal behaviors once they are released from prison. It is very important for there to be vocational classes that give the inmates spec ific skills and talents that will ensure them some job opportunities when they are released from prison. On a higher level, GED classes and college programs need to become common in all prisons instead of being the exception to only a few.We also believe that the number of programs being offered needs to be drastically increased. As the inmate said, there are 400 hundred people who want to be in certain programs but only 18 can be. This disparity is disheartening, as the desire to change exists; however the opportunity to do it is lacking. As prison populations grow into the millions, society must decide how â€Å"tough on crime†they are going to continue to be. The individual states have the power to decide the individual educational systems within their prisons.Education, as a result of negativity towards all prisons, has not only become less of a priority but is seen as prisoners being given a free ride. The problem however, is that the current system that offers harsh pu nishment and little rehabilitation is not working. Harsh punishment does not however mean deliberate cruelty. Prisons should not be a place that purposely creates horrible conditions for inmates. Just having your freedom taken away from you is probably one of the worst things that can happen to an individual. Certainly, no one has the right to injure another person or to take his or er life however, if society does not work at rehabilitating these individuals, then the length of sentences and punitive measures will not only need to be increased but turned up by many notches. The cutting of education budgets within prisons increases the likelihood that upon release these prisoners will only return to prison. People in the general population are already reluctant to hire someone with a criminal record so adding a lack of education will make it virtually impossible for released prisoners to do anything but go back to their old lifestyles of crime.This will only create a never-ending cy cle that will inevitably become hurtful to society as a whole. Of course the ideal education system outside of prison is what we dream of, but until then we support the efforts to protect society by educating those who once harmed it.Work CitedErwin, James. â€Å"In Prison, Education Is Your Best Route to a Better Life | Erwin James | Society | Guardian. co. uk. †Latest News, Comment and Reviews from the Guardian | Guardian. co. uk. Web. 27 Apr. 2011. .Granoff, Gillian. â€Å"Education Update – Prison College Programs Unlock the Keys to Human Potential. †EDUCATION UPDATE – APRIL 2011 – Education News. 2009. Web. 27 Apr. 2011. . Public safety and security, Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (2011). Pondville correctional facility Government Printing Office.
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