Saturday, February 22, 2020
Bulling in the Public Schools and the Laws that Protect Students and Essay
Bulling in the Public Schools and the Laws that Protect Students and Teachers - Essay Example Still, the public has the right to be informed as much as possible. Two Case Studies of Bullying The following are stories of two victims of bullies: ("Case Studies," 2008) Case 1: MY name is Katelyn Weinert and earlier this year I was bitten on the arm by another student at high school.The school suggested I move away from my group of friends and find somewhere else to "hang out" to lessen the chances of this student and I coming into contact with each otherThis boy doesn't just contain his harassment to school either. My mum has witnessed him approaching me on a number of occasions in public harassing me. Case 2: MYfirst few years of high school were torture. If it wasn't bad enough being new to the school certain people went out of their way to make it worse. There were a few people who used to write nasty notes, follow us home and make prank calls. This one particular bully used to harass my younger sister who was 10 at the time. It only happened when I was not there. It wasn't long until she started with me These days I look back and wish I could have ignored the harassment, but during school that's when you're trying to find yourself, and it's little things like that that can affect us in adult life. The cases cited above should be an eye opener to legislators, educators, and students of education that bullying could victimize practically anyone. The frustrations expressed by the two victims should obligate authorities to tackle this problem seriously. But first things first, facts about bullying should be set straight. Myths about bullying must be deconstructed as shown in the next section. Myths about Bullying According to psychologist Dan Olweus, there are ten myths about bullying. To the degree that these are not addressed,... This essayb approves that regardless of the causes of bullying, the people in the receiving end of bullying had the right for protection, students and teachers alike. With this need in mind, there were several legislations passed against bullying although these by themselves are not enough. It is important for teachers and parents to consult lawyers and other legal experts about the technicalities involved with federal and state laws on bullying. For example, there is a prevailing 10-day myth on suspensions. According to this misconception, the maximum cumulative days that an offender must be suspended is 10 days. This is not entirely true. This is only true with students with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act. But even if students have disabilities according to the definition provided by IDEA, if such students pose clear and present danger, the safety of other students must also be considered. Hence, the law does not preclude school administrators from disciplining such bullies beyond 10 days. This report makes a conclusion that anyone charged with a crime cannot make ignorance of laws as an excuse. Ignorantia legis neminem excusat or ignorance of the law excuses no one. Every person is presumed to know the provisions of the law. With this in mind, victims of bullies should not be afraid that the law will favor those offenders. On the part of school administrators and teachers, they ought to be informed of specific laws that will tackle and deal with problems of bullying. And they should utilize every provision of state and federal laws in favor of the victims, since bullying is an offense that should not be taken lightly.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
The Impact of E-Commerce on the US Labour Market Dissertation
The Impact of E-Commerce on the US Labour Market - Dissertation Example Moreover, the leading role of the US in E-Commerce might raise fears to otherin other countries for losing out their talent labours and their own competitiveness due to the global character of the revolution. Furthermore, the impact of E-Commerce on different industries or occupations is likely to be different; downward pressure in retail salespersons is perhaps more than offset by upward pressure in IT engineers, online customer service representatives and postal service carriers that E-Commerce generates. As wages, education and employment are highly correlated, E-Commerce does not only affect the labour market but also the national income level and qualifications that necessitate are needed to entering the industries. All of these factors indicate the high significance of E-Commerce to the economy and, therefore, , utilizing the full capacity of novelty could have overwhelming impacts to the aggregate economic performance; it is essential to perform a complete and precise analysis on this issue. This paper aims to look at the employment effect that E-Commerce has generated in the US, and particularly we will focus on analysing how the potential "'economy stream engine"' alters the employment structure in different industries. An industry-based approach is needed due to the fact that the diffusion of E-Commerce is of dissimilar magnitude in each industry; it is undoubtedly that the "Information" sector has been affected the most whilst the effect on "Construction" sector has been of "'second"' order. In the following section I shall summarize previous discussions and empirical literatures which are relevant to the theme. I shall then present the method that I employ in this research and refer to the pertinent economic theories... It's clear from the research that the current US administration under the President George W. Bush is no exception, and has: 1) signed the Internet Tax Moratorium and the Internet Non-Discrimination Act to make Internet access affordable for encouraging the evolution of E-Commerce; 2) kept the Internet a Duty-Free Zone to facilitate the growth of E-Commerce; 3) negotiated the â€Å"‘Cybercrime Convention†’ with another 28 countries to fight Internet criminals; 4) expanded and strengthened crucial E-Infrastructure Protection to protect E-businesses from cyber threats; 5) approved the New Federal Standard, now called the Advanced Encryption Standard. In conclusion, due to data and time limitations, this paper analyzed just only 3 industries and is subjected to errors. As the employment impacts of E-Commerce are very complex and contradictory interactions, further researches on this topic can be done by extending the industry-based approach to all 12 industries in the US. Combining results from 12 industries will give an overview of how E-Commerce alters the labor market as a whole. Moreover, developing another assessing method will also be useful to analyze the thesis from another point of views. Finally, as consumer behaviors and policies differ between countries, it would also be interesting to see the analysis being done in other big E-Economy, such as Australia and or the United Kingdom, or to conjoin 2 or more countries in one analysis for measuring the international labor flows and migrations begotten by E-Commerce.
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